Helping people find joy in Jesus.
The church is not just a building or an event, we are a people; the body of Christ. We are a
church full of imperfect people from all walks of life, who have found unending joy through the
life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, our mission is to see all people come find true,
lasting and satisfying joy in the person of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us in this mission.
church full of imperfect people from all walks of life, who have found unending joy through the
life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, our mission is to see all people come find true,
lasting and satisfying joy in the person of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us in this mission.
Here are some suggested Next Steps to help you get connected!
1. Connection Card
2. Be Informed
To best stay up to date with what is happening in the life of Calvary, download our church app or use our web version cbcnormal.info.
3. Membership Class
This class is designed for those who wish to learn more about the beliefs and practices of Calvary. A person’s commitment to a local church is a very important matter, and our desire is to provide the information necessary for you to decide if this local church is where God would have you to be. We cover the doctrines and values that are foundational to our life together, and how they work their way out in our practices. This class is a requirement for those seeking covenant membership with Calvary, though taking it does not commit you to membership.
Our next Membership Class is part of our Sunday Seminar classes beginning Sunday, October 29 at 9A
4. Community Groups
We believe that when God saves a person, He saved them into a community. We are not meant to go through life alone, but rather to live life together with other believers. Community Groups are how we pursue and live out the gospel with one another. Made up of men and women from all generations of life, these groups meet throughout the week for fellowship, care, prayer, accountability, and studying God’s Word. No group is perfect, and no two groups are exactly the same. We don’t expect them to be. We invite you to check them out and find community where you will be accepted as you are, being motivated to pursue Jesus.
5. Sunday Seminars
Every believer needs a good foundation to grow. To that end, we offer Sunday Seminars to
help you strengthen your faith and connect it practically to everyday life. These classes are part of a structured curriculum that we hope every member will complete. Each quarter focuses on three different categories of seminars — Christian Story, Christian Belief, & Christian Formation.
help you strengthen your faith and connect it practically to everyday life. These classes are part of a structured curriculum that we hope every member will complete. Each quarter focuses on three different categories of seminars — Christian Story, Christian Belief, & Christian Formation.