We believe that when God saves a person, He saved them into a community. We are not meant to go through life alone, but rather to live life together with other believers.
Relationships within the family of Christ are vital for the believer’s spiritual growth and development. Brothers and sisters in Christ encourage one another to love and good works, protect each other from dangers internal and external to the church, and bring counsel in times of suffering and difficulty. Life outside of community is dangerous, unnecessary, and disobedient.
Community Groups are how we pursue and live out the gospel with one another. Made up of men and women from all generations of life, these groups meet throughout the week for fellowship, care, prayer, accountability, and studying God’s Word. They are a place where we seek to outdo one another in showing honor, to consider others more significant than ourselves and to push one another towards Jesus. No group is perfect, and no two groups are exactly the same. We don’t expect them to be.
Come check them out and find community where you will be accepted as you are, being motivated to pursue Jesus.